Bring Your Own Pasta To This Memphis Highway Where A Tractor Trailer Spilled A Quarter Mile Of Alfredo Sauce

I don't pretend to be an expert when it comes to things like "logistics" and "supply chain". But all I'm saying is that there has to be a better way. I mean we can't just idly sit by and continue to allow shit like this to happen. I feel like every few months there's a new story about a tractor trailer full of delicious food and/or beverages overturning and spilling that shit all across a highway. Whether it's a tractor trailer hauling precious cargo like cases upon cases of vodka, or this truck carrying shit tons of tomatoes earlier just this very week. 

I'm sick and tired of some of our most delicious foods and beverages getting spewed across the interstate systems. 

Had this massive Alfredo disaster occurred earlier in the summer, perhaps it wouldn't be such a punch to the gut. I think we can all agree that Alfredo is just a little too heavy of a sauce in the summer. If this was June or July, I think I'd be able to stomach that one. But football season is right around the corner. It may not feel like it at this exact moment, but hoodie weather will be here before you know it. Brisk mornings, cool afternoons, the perfect time of the year to start treating yourself to some heavier beers and creamier pasta sauce. 

Just envision yourself on the couch. It's an NFL Sunday. You're still nursing a hangover from last night but you've had enough hair of the dog during the early games that you're feeling like a regular human again. Your fantasy team is up by 30, your favorite team already locked up their win for the day, and the 4pm games are coming out of halftime. Just as we get back from commercial break after the 2nd half kickoff, out comes a giant plate of fettuccine Alfredo. It's rich, it's creamy, it's cheesy, it's everything you could want on this crispy autumn Sunday. Sounds perfect, right?

Giphy Images.

Well too fucking bad. Because all the Alfredo is the world is currently slathered across a stretch of I-55 in Memphis. We need change. We demand change. 


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